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X'inhu l-proġett TheRainBowNavy?

TheRainBowNavy hija inizjattiva innovattiva mingħajr skop ta’ qligħ li għandha l-għan li ssaħħaħ il-komunitajiet emarġinati f’Manila, il-Filippini.L-enfasi primarja tagħna hija li nixtru vapur tal-kruċiera żgħir li jservi bħala ċentru soċjali u ta’ divertiment, li jippromwovi l-inklussività, it-turiżmu sostenibbli, u l-emanċipazzjoni ta’ individwi emarġinati.

How will my donation be used?

Your donation will directly contribute to the purchase and refurbishment of TheRainBowNavy mini cruise ship, ensuring a sustainable source of income for local marginalized communities. Funds will also support the relocation of the mini cruise ship to its new home, purchase and installation of Green Tech features, initial staff training for their respective jobs, Safety Training (STCW), and their receiving their Seaman's Book.

What are the long-term sustainability plans for TheRainBowNavy?

The project's sustainability is built on a one-time ask to establish a perpetual income stream. TheRainBowNavy aims to generate revenue through tourism, events, and onboard services to fund ongoing support for marginalized communities in Manila. COVID showed us the importance of a reserve to address needs when outside influences might impact revenue generation, so if there is a slowdown affecting income, our staff and scholarship recipients will have sustained support during that period.

How can I get involved beyond donating?

We welcome volunteers and collaborators who can contribute their skills, expertise, and passion to organize events, develop programs, and foster collaborations. Your active involvement is essential in creating a vibrant and inclusive space on TheRainBowNavy mini cruise ship.

Can I receive rewards for my donation?

Yes, we offer rewards to our donors and supporters. Depending on your contribution level, you may receive free or discounted onboard products and services, as well as products and services from our local partners.

Is my donation tax-deductible?

TheRainBowNavy operates as a Not-For-Profit, not a non-profit, which means we cannot offer a tax credit or tax rebate. However, your contribution helps create a positive impact on marginalized communities, supports various initiatives, and donors receive rewards.

How will TheRainBowNavy benefit marginalized communities in Manila?

The project's goals include providing education scholarships, employment opportunities, medical grants, and community support to marginalized individuals. It aims to foster greater inclusivity, economic empowerment, and strengthen the foundations of local marginalized communities.

What measures are in place to ensure transparency and accountability?

We are committed to transparency. Regular updates, financial reports, and progress updates will be shared with our supporters. We believe in accountability and ensuring that donations are used for their intended purpose. Posts will be made to our website and the documents section of our LinkedIn profile for review. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/therainbownavy/)

Kif nista' naqsam din il-kampanja man-netwerk tiegħi?

Tista’ tgħinna billi tifrex l-għarfien.Aqsam il-link(i) tal-kampanja tagħna (https://gogetfunding.com/TheRainBowNavyFundraiser/) man-netwerk tiegħek, kemm lokalment kif ukoll internazzjonalment, biex tgħin biex titqajjem kuxjenza dwar l-isfidi li jiffaċċjaw il-komunitajiet emarġinati f'Manila u l-opportunitajiet għal bidla pożittiva.

What is the timeline for TheRainBowNavy project?

The timeline for the project will be detailed in our updates. We aim to launch TheRainBowNavy mini cruise ship as soon as our funding goal is reached. Regular updates will keep backers informed of our progress. We will post milestones achieved on our website and LinkedIn profile as well as share them on Facebook, Threads, and Twitter (now X).

Fejn wieħed isib TheRainbowNavy fuq l-internet?

Risks & Challenges

As we embark on the journey to bring TheRainBowNavy to life, it's essential to acknowledge the potential hurdles we may encounter along the way. While our mission is noble and our goals are clear, like any ambitious endeavor, there are risks and challenges that require our attention and strategic planning. In this section, we will explore these factors, demonstrating our commitment to transparency, adaptability, and our determination to overcome obstacles as we strive to uplift and empower marginalized communities in Manila.

Financial Sustainability:

One of the primary challenges for a not-for-profit enterprise like TheRainBowNavy is ensuring financial sustainability. Relying on a one-time ask to establish perpetual income can be risky, and there's always a possibility of financial shortfalls in the future. The initial plan was developed to minimize shortfalls and to build in measures that would enhance our financial viability by making some initial investments in improvements that would pay dividends well into the future. Our one-time ask takes these costs into consideration as part of the initial budget.

Operational Costs:

Operating and maintaining a mini cruise ship can be expensive. The ongoing costs of staffing, maintenance, and overheads must be carefully managed to ensure that the project remains financially viable. The vessel chosen greatly aids our effort to minimize the operational cost factors. Our selected vessel is large enough to support our operational needs but small enough to minimize overall expenses. Technical upgrades ensure operational cost savings well into the future.

Market Competition:

The entertainment, travel, and tourism market can be highly competitive. Attracting tourists and maintaining a steady flow of customers to the mini cruise ship may require significant marketing efforts and strategies to stand out. Metro Manila has a population of 13.48 million residents. Manila also boasts a large, vibrant, and active community of marginalized individuals. If that community is calculated at just 5% of the overall population, that is a local customer base of 674,000, not including visiting tourists. While there are many nightclubs, restaurants, and bars in Manila, there are only a handful that cater specifically to marginalized communities. In Metro Manila, this will make TheRainBowNavy a unique and attractive venue to locals and tourists alike.

Sustainability and Environmental Concerns:

While the project aims to be eco-friendly, there may be challenges in ensuring the mini cruise ship's continued use of renewable energy components and green fuels. Environmental regulations and changing consumer preferences can also impact the project. The primary use of green tech on the our chosen vessel focuses on the reduction in the use of electricity produced from fossil fuels. This is its most significant environmental impact since TheRainBowNavy is expected to operate dockside yet off the grid. Additional modification of our diesel generators and engines allows us to use biofuels for electrical production and propulsion, thereby converting some of our own waste products into usable fuel. So changes in consumer preferences will have little to no effect on electricity consumption and propulsion on the "Lil Woody."

Community Engagement:

Engaging with the local marginalized communities and ensuring their active involvement and benefit from the project can be challenging. Building trust and understanding the community's specific needs is crucial. As stated before, Metro Manila has a large, vibrant, and very active community of marginalized individuals. There are ample opportunities to engage and embrace the community in a collective partnership to build a better future and leave a strong legacy.

Political and Legal Factors:

As a not-for-profit with the flexibility to support political candidates and initiatives, TheRainBowNavy may encounter political and legal challenges, especially in regions where the rights of marginalized individuals are a sensitive issue. We are sensitive to the impact of politics on business and marginalized communities too. We live in a time that we cannot just sit idly by as the world revolves around us. TheRainBowNavy can participate in candidate or legislative support without planting our flag in the middle of an issue or a campaign. In the end, our efforts in this area are about supporting issues that support marginalized communities, and that does not require us placing our name on anything directly. TheRainBowNavy can be just as impactful and effective without ever broadcasting our contributions, so long as we remain within the bounds of guidelines regulating such activities.

Fundraising and Donor Fatigue:

Over time, fundraising for the same cause can lead to donor fatigue. Maintaining a steady stream of donations and support for the project may require creative approaches. We are sensitive to donor expectations and limitations. No matter how committed to supporting marginalized communities or the environment, there are always limits to what they can contribute. It is the primary reason why we sought a one-time fundraising campaign and committed ourselves to perpetual reinvestment back into the project to maintain our commitment to the communities we support.

Community Acceptance:

The project's success also depends on the acceptance and support of the local community, including businesses and residents in the Manila area. Metro Manila is 86% Catholic, and while the residents have strong religious foundations, 78% of the population see marginalized communities in a positive manner. That said, marginalized communities still lack greatly in some significant areas. The mostly young people, who fall into this category, are expected to be the larger share of recipients benefiting from TheRainBowNavy outreach.

Global and Economic Factors:

Economic downturns or global events like pandemics can impact tourism and discretionary spending, potentially affecting the project's revenue stream. We believe COVID taught us all a valuable lesson in the management of money, and just as families may cut back on discretionary spending, TheRainBowNavy would likely have to do the same too. In addition, we shall establish a fund, a set aside, to bolster our bottom line during such times. This will help see us through while still maintaining the financial commitments already engaged, support our staff, and maintain the valuable experience they have and that we have already invested in.

Project Management:

Effective project management is essential. Ensuring that the project stays on track, meets its goals, and fulfills its promises to donors and the community is a critical challenge. I think we have demonstrated above that we have taken a broad approach when envisioning TheRainBowNavy. Yet we are not know-it-all type people and have already sought out key personnel to fill specific roles in our staffing. Our initial plan established the need for an Advisory Committee and Steering/Nominating Committee, and our website clearly broadcasts who those individuals are and where TheRainBowNavy is in finding those collaborating members. This will greatly free our hands so that we review day-to-day operations but maintain a strong focus on the impact TheRainBowNavy is having to ensure that we, TheRainBowNavy and donors, arrive where we anticipate being, in a timely manner and on or under budget.

Involvi ruħek Illum!

Ingħaqad magħna biex tagħmel differenza.Flimkien, nistgħu noħolqu dinja fejn kulħadd ikun aċċettat u ċċelebrat.Ikklikkja hawn taħt biex tingħaqad mar-Rainbow Navy issa!
Tfakkiriet Ġentili


Soġġett għad-Disponibbiltà, Japplikaw Xi Limitazzjonijiet:

TheRainBowNavy ("Aħna," "Tagħna," jew "Il-Kumpanija") tistinka biex tipprovdi servizzi u akkomodazzjonijiet eċċezzjonali għall-mistednin kollha.Madankollu, nixtiequ ninfurmak dwar iċ-ċaħda li ġejja:

    Disponibbiltà tal-Ispazju: F'każ li l-ispazju fuq il-vapur tal-kruċiera żgħir TheRainBowNavy ma jkunx disponibbli fil-ħin tal-għażla tiegħek, aħna se nagħmlu arranġamenti alternattivi biex niżguraw esperjenza komparabbli għall-mistednin tagħna.Aħna niżguraw riżervi f'lukandier lokali li joffri akkomodazzjonijiet ugwali għall-istess valur u standard bħal TheRainBowNavy.

  Aċċess għal Prodotti, Servizzi, u Avvenimenti: Mistednin miżmuma fl-akkomodazzjonijiet alternattivi xorta se jkollhom aċċess sħiħ għall-prodotti, is-servizzi u l-avvenimenti kollha ta’ TheRainBowNavy matul il-waqfa tagħhom.Aħna ser niżguraw li inti tista 'tgawdi l-ċentru soċjali vibranti u l-atmosfera inklużiva li TheRainBowNavy jipprovdi, irrispettivament mill-arranġamenti ta' alloġġ.

   Skontijiet u Skambju: L-iskontijiet, il-prodotti, is-servizzi jew l-akkomodazzjonijiet kollha offruti bi skambju għal donazzjonijiet huma validi għal skambju abbord jew permezz tal-imsieħba parteċipanti tagħna.Jekk jogħġbok innota li dawn l-offerti huma suġġetti għad-disponibbiltà u jistgħu jkunu limitati minn fatturi lil hinn mill-kontroll tagħna.

   Spejjeż tat-Trasport: L-ispiża tat-trasport lejn jew mill-port attwali tal-waqfa mhix inkluża fl-iskambju tad-donazzjonijiet offrut minn TheRainBowNavy.Il-mistednin huma responsabbli biex jirranġaw u jkopru l-ispejjeż tat-trasport tagħhom stess.

Responsabbiltà: TheRainBowNavy u l-affiljati tagħha ma għandhomx jinżammu responsabbli għal kwalunkwe ħsara diretta jew indiretta, telf, jew inkonvenjenzi li jirriżultaw min-nuqqas ta’ spazju fuq il-vapur tal-kruċiera żgħir TheRainBowNavy u l-arranġamenti sussegwenti magħmula għal akkomodazzjonijiet alternattivi.Kwalunkwe kwistjoni jew tħassib li jirriżulta mill-akkomodazzjonijiet alternattivi għandhom jiġu indirizzati direttament mal-lukandier rispettiv.

Billi tipproċedi bir-riservazzjoni tiegħek, donazzjoni, jew aċċettazzjoni ta 'kwalunkwe offerta minn TheRainBowNavy, inti tirrikonoxxi u taċċetta t-termini u l-kundizzjonijiet imsemmija f'din iċ-ċaħda.

Jekk jogħġbok tħossok liberu li tikkuntattjana direttament jekk għandek aktar mistoqsijiet jew teħtieġ kjarifika addizzjonali dwar din iċ-ċaħda.

Grazzi talli għażilt TheRainBowNavy, u nistennew bil-ħerqa li nipprovdulek esperjenza indimentikabbli.

L-aħjar tislijiet, TheRainBowNavy Management


Allosexual, Zedsexual, Ally, Allyship, Androgyne, Aromantic Homosexual, Homoaro, Gay Aromantic, Asexual, Birth Assigned Sex, Biromantic Asexual, Biromantic Demisexual, Bisexual, Cisgender (CIS), Cissexual, Coming Out, Cross-Dresser, Demisexual, Drag Queen/King, Enby, Femme, Folx, FTM, Gay, Gender Fluid, Gender Identity, Gender Non-Conforming (GNC), Gender Policing, Gender Queer, or Genderqueer, Gender Role, Gender Spectrum, Greygender (aka Graygender), Greysexual (aka Graysexual meaning), Heteroflexible, Intersectionality, Intersex, LGBTQ+, LBGT, Lesbian, LGBT, LGBTQ, LGBTQIA, LGBTA, LGBT*IQ, LGBTIQQ, LGBTQ2, LGBTQ2+, GLBT, LGB&T, LGBTIQAPD, LGBTTTQQIAA, MTF, Non-Binary, Panromantic Asexual, Pansexual, Passing, Polyamory, Polygender, QPOC, Queer, Questioning, Safe Space, Scoliosexual, Scoliosexuality, Sex, Sexual Minority, Sexual Orientation, Third Gender, Two-Spirit, Trans*/Trans+, Transfeminine, Transgender, Transmasculine, Transition/Transitioning, Transphobia, Transvestite,  (WLW) Women-Loving-Women,  Zi/Hir, agender, bisexual, bigender, ally, third gender, asexual, indigenous peoples, pride toronto, trans men, trans women, non-binary, rainbow/push, polyamory, intersex, same-sex marriage, human rights, lgbt rights, gay pride, bbc news magazine, lgbt rights organization, rainbow flag, new age rainbow, same gender, romantic orientation gender and sexual diversity, williams institute, men who have sex with men, women who have sex with women, men's magazine, argosy, playboy, portsmouth, philippines, dublin, host and hostess clubs, bangkok, pattaya, china, korea, japan, patpong, flirt, sex work, southeast asian, thailand, cambodia, india, brazil, ribaldry, sweden, norway, iceland, sosúa, latin america, dominican republic, pride parade, lambda, rainbow, flag pink, triangle, philadelphia, civil rights, lgbt self-affirmation, outtv, social equality,  manhattan, lgbt rights, pride library, lgbt history, moscow pride, pride flag, black triangle, gay liberation, boston, dallas, milwaukee, london, lgbt rights in the united states, stockholm, atlanta, brighton, detroit, independence hall, miami, black is beautiful, stonewall inn, amsterdam, christopher street, greenwich village, gay liberation front, bleecker street, new york city, gay activists alliance, oscar wilde memorial bookshop, central park, washington square park, chicago democrats, los angeles, san francisco, madrid, queer, west berlin, buffalo, new york, washington d.c., the gay parade, daksnoypi09, craytheyoung, benignant102, pinoylastikman, jake_verza, remeogay, benignant_102, pride month, stonewall riots, pride season, beyond gay: the politics of porn, pride, são paulo, same-sex marriage in spain, lgbt rights in uganda, coming out,  kreuzberg pride, lgbt community, taylor swift supports the lgbtq+ community