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Merħba fil-paġna tar-riżervi tagħna!Aħna ferħanin li noffrulek l-opportunità li tirreġistra minn qabel ir-riżervi tal-kabinetti tiegħek billi tuża l-informazzjoni bankarja pprovduta.Billi tirriserva l-kamra tiegħek bil-quddiem, tista' tiżgura esperjenza bla xkiel u memorabbli.Jekk jogħġbok ħu mument biex tirrevedi l-politika tal-kanċellazzjoni tagħna biex tibqa' infurmata dwar kwalunkwe tibdil meħtieġ.
Minbarra li tirreġistra minn qabel il-kamra tiegħek, nistednuk tikkunsidra li tappoġġja l-proġett tagħna permezz ta’ donazzjonijiet.Il-kontribuzzjonijiet jistgħu jsiru bl-użu tal-istess informazzjoni bankarja pprovduta għar-riżervi.Il-ġenerożità tiegħek tgħinna nkomplu ntejbu u noffru esperjenzi eċċezzjonali għall-mistednin kollha tagħna.Grazzi tal-appoġġ tiegħek u talli għażilt li tkun parti mill-vjaġġ tagħna!
L-istruzzjonijiet huma pprovduti għal diversi metodi biex tlesti l-ħlas tiegħek għall-ħarba tal-ħolm tiegħek jew l-avveniment elettrifikanti tal-mużika fil-beraħ fuq il-porzjon tal-checkout tat-tabs "ROOMS", tabs "KUNĊERT" jew fil-"ĦAŻEN" online tagħna fil-qiegħ tat-tab "Aktar".
Colorful pins to show your support and pride.
Handmade bracelets symbolizing unity and acceptance.
Comfortable tees with messages of equality and love.
TheRainBowNavy ("We," "Our," or "The Company") strives to provide exceptional services and accommodations for all guests. However, we would like to inform you of the following disclaimer:
Space Availability: In the event that space on TheRainBowNavy mini cruise ship is not available at the time of your choice, we will make alternative arrangements to ensure a comparable experience for our guests. We will secure reservations at a local hotelier that offers accommodations equal to the same value and standard as TheRainBowNavy.
Access to Products, Services, and Events: Guests housed at the alternative accommodations will still have full access to all TheRainBowNavy products, services, and events during their stay. We will ensure that you can enjoy the vibrant social hub and inclusive atmosphere that TheRainBowNavy provides, regardless of the lodging arrangements.
Discounts and Exchange: All discounts, products, services, or accommodations offered in exchange for donations are valid for on board exchange or through our participating partners. Please note that these offerings are subject to availability and may be limited by factors beyond our control.
Transportation Costs: The cost of transportation to or from the current port of call is not included in the donations exchange offered by TheRainBowNavy. Guests are responsible for arranging and covering their own transportation expenses.
Liability: TheRainBowNavy and its affiliates shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages, losses, or inconveniences resulting from the unavailability of space on TheRainBowNavy mini cruise ship and the subsequent arrangements made for alternative accommodations. Any issues or concerns arising from the alternative accommodations should be addressed directly with the respective hotelier.
By proceeding with your reservation, donation, or acceptance of any offerings from TheRainBowNavy, you acknowledge and accept the terms and conditions mentioned in this disclaimer.
Please feel free to contact us directly if you have any further questions or require additional clarification regarding this disclaimer.
Thank you for choosing TheRainBowNavy, and we look forward to providing you with an unforgettable experience.
Best regards, TheRainBowNavy Management
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