Effettiv: 02 ta' Jannar 2024
1. Introduzzjoni
Merħba għal TheRainBowNavy.Aħna napprezzaw il-privatezza tiegħek u aħna impenjati li nipproteġu l-informazzjoni personali tiegħek.Din il-Politika ta’ Privatezza tiddeskrivi t-tipi ta’ informazzjoni li niġbru, kif nużawha, lil min niżvelawha, u l-miżuri ta’ sigurtà li nieħdu biex nissalvagwardjawha.
2. Information We Collect
We collect the following types of information:
Personal Information: Name, email address, postal address, phone number, and other contact details.
Usage Data: Information about how you use our website, including your IP address, browser type, referring/exit pages, and operating system.
Cookies and Tracking Technologies: Data collected through cookies and other tracking technologies to enhance user experience.
3. Purpose of Information Collection
We use the collected information for the following purposes:
To Provide Services: To deliver the services you request and manage your account.
To Improve Our Website: To understand how our website is used and improve its performance and user experience.
To Communicate with You: To send you updates, newsletters, and marketing communications (if you have opted-in).
To Ensure Security: To detect and prevent fraud, abuse, or other harmful activities.
4. Disclosure of Information
We may disclose your information to third parties in the following circumstances:
Service Providers: To vendors, consultants, and other service providers who need access to such information to carry out work on our behalf.
Legal Requirements: If required by law or in response to legal process, such as a court order or subpoena.
Business Transfers: In connection with a merger, sale of company assets, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business to another company.
With Your Consent: When we have your consent to share the information.
5. Security Practices
We implement reasonable security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. These include:
Data Encryption: We use SSL/TLS encryption for data transmitted over the internet.
Access Controls: We restrict access to personal information to authorized personnel only.
Regular Audits: We conduct regular security audits and assessments.
6. Your Rights and Choices
You have the following rights regarding your personal information:
Access and Correction: You can access and update your personal information by contacting us.
Opt-Out: You can opt-out of receiving marketing communications from us at any time.
Data Deletion: You can request the deletion of your personal information, subject to certain legal exceptions.
7. Changes to This Privacy Policy
We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes.
8. Ikkuntattjana
Jekk għandek xi mistoqsijiet jew tħassib dwar din il-Politika ta' Privatezza, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana fuq:
TheRainBowNavy ("Aħna," "Tagħna," jew "Il-Kumpanija") tistinka biex tipprovdi servizzi u akkomodazzjonijiet eċċezzjonali għall-mistednin kollha.Madankollu, nixtiequ ninfurmak dwar iċ-ċaħda li ġejja:
Disponibbiltà tal-Ispazju: F'każ li l-ispazju fuq il-vapur tal-kruċiera żgħir TheRainBowNavy ma jkunx disponibbli fil-ħin tal-għażla tiegħek, aħna se nagħmlu arranġamenti alternattivi biex niżguraw esperjenza komparabbli għall-mistednin tagħna.Aħna niżguraw riżervi f'lukandier lokali li joffri akkomodazzjonijiet ugwali għall-istess valur u standard bħal TheRainBowNavy.
Aċċess għal Prodotti, Servizzi, u Avvenimenti: Mistednin miżmuma fl-akkomodazzjonijiet alternattivi xorta se jkollhom aċċess sħiħ għall-prodotti, is-servizzi u l-avvenimenti kollha ta’ TheRainBowNavy matul il-waqfa tagħhom.Aħna ser niżguraw li inti tista 'tgawdi l-ċentru soċjali vibranti u l-atmosfera inklużiva li TheRainBowNavy jipprovdi, irrispettivament mill-arranġamenti ta' alloġġ.
Skontijiet u Skambju: L-iskontijiet, il-prodotti, is-servizzi jew l-akkomodazzjonijiet kollha offruti bi skambju għal donazzjonijiet huma validi għal skambju abbord jew permezz tal-imsieħba parteċipanti tagħna.Jekk jogħġbok innota li dawn l-offerti huma suġġetti għad-disponibbiltà u jistgħu jkunu limitati minn fatturi lil hinn mill-kontroll tagħna.
Spejjeż tat-Trasport: L-ispiża tat-trasport lejn jew mill-port attwali tal-waqfa mhix inkluża fl-iskambju tad-donazzjonijiet offrut minn TheRainBowNavy.Il-mistednin huma responsabbli biex jirranġaw u jkopru l-ispejjeż tat-trasport tagħhom stess.
Responsabbiltà: TheRainBowNavy u l-affiljati tagħha ma għandhomx jinżammu responsabbli għal kwalunkwe ħsara diretta jew indiretta, telf, jew inkonvenjenzi li jirriżultaw min-nuqqas ta’ spazju fuq il-vapur tal-kruċiera żgħir TheRainBowNavy u l-arranġamenti sussegwenti magħmula għal akkomodazzjonijiet alternattivi.Kwalunkwe kwistjoni jew tħassib li jirriżulta mill-akkomodazzjonijiet alternattivi għandhom jiġu indirizzati direttament mal-lukandier rispettiv.
Billi tipproċedi bir-riservazzjoni tiegħek, donazzjoni, jew aċċettazzjoni ta 'kwalunkwe offerta minn TheRainBowNavy, inti tirrikonoxxi u taċċetta t-termini u l-kundizzjonijiet imsemmija f'din iċ-ċaħda.
Jekk jogħġbok tħossok liberu li tikkuntattjana direttament jekk għandek aktar mistoqsijiet jew teħtieġ kjarifika addizzjonali dwar din iċ-ċaħda.
Grazzi talli għażilt TheRainBowNavy, u nistennew bil-ħerqa li nipprovdulek esperjenza indimentikabbli.
L-aħjar tislijiet, TheRainBowNavy Management
Allosexual, Zedsexual, Ally, Allyship, Androgyne, Aromantic Homosexual, Homoaro, Gay Aromantic, Asexual, Birth Assigned Sex, Biromantic Asexual, Biromantic Demisexual, Bisexual, Cisgender (CIS), Cissexual, Coming Out, Cross-Dresser, Demisexual, Drag Queen/King, Enby, Femme, Folx, FTM, Gay, Gender Fluid, Gender Identity, Gender Non-Conforming (GNC), Gender Policing, Gender Queer, or Genderqueer, Gender Role, Gender Spectrum, Greygender (aka Graygender), Greysexual (aka Graysexual meaning), Heteroflexible, Intersectionality, Intersex, LGBTQ+, LBGT, Lesbian, LGBT, LGBTQ, LGBTQIA, LGBTA, LGBT*IQ, LGBTIQQ, LGBTQ2, LGBTQ2+, GLBT, LGB&T, LGBTIQAPD, LGBTTTQQIAA, MTF, Non-Binary, Panromantic Asexual, Pansexual, Passing, Polyamory, Polygender, QPOC, Queer, Questioning, Safe Space, Scoliosexual, Scoliosexuality, Sex, Sexual Minority, Sexual Orientation, Third Gender, Two-Spirit, Trans*/Trans+, Transfeminine, Transgender, Transmasculine, Transition/Transitioning, Transphobia, Transvestite, (WLW) Women-Loving-Women, Zi/Hir, agender, bisexual, bigender, ally, third gender, asexual, indigenous peoples, pride toronto, trans men, trans women, non-binary, rainbow/push, polyamory, intersex, same-sex marriage, human rights, lgbt rights, gay pride, bbc news magazine, lgbt rights organization, rainbow flag, new age rainbow, same gender, romantic orientation gender and sexual diversity, williams institute, men who have sex with men, women who have sex with women, men's magazine, argosy, playboy, portsmouth, philippines, dublin, host and hostess clubs, bangkok, pattaya, china, korea, japan, patpong, flirt, sex work, southeast asian, thailand, cambodia, india, brazil, ribaldry, sweden, norway, iceland, sosúa, latin america, dominican republic, pride parade, lambda, rainbow, flag pink, triangle,
philadelphia, civil rights, lgbt self-affirmation, outtv, social
equality, manhattan, lgbt rights, pride library, lgbt history, moscow
pride, pride flag, black triangle, gay liberation, boston, dallas,
milwaukee, london, lgbt rights in the united states, stockholm, atlanta,
brighton, detroit, independence hall, miami, black is beautiful,
stonewall inn, amsterdam, christopher street, greenwich village, gay
liberation front, bleecker street, new york city, gay activists
alliance, oscar wilde memorial bookshop, central park, washington square
park, chicago democrats, los angeles, san francisco, madrid, queer,
west berlin, buffalo, new york, washington d.c., the gay parade, daksnoypi09, craytheyoung, benignant102, pinoylastikman, jake_verza, remeogay, benignant_102, pride
month, stonewall riots, pride season, beyond gay: the politics of porn, pride,
são paulo, same-sex marriage in spain, lgbt rights in uganda, coming
out, kreuzberg pride, lgbt community, taylor swift supports the lgbtq+ community